
About Us

Here at Home Skillet, we are obsessed with food.  We love making food tasty, playful, and interesting.

We truly love playing with food, and do not like to limit ourselves with categories and labels. The wonders of cooking are one, big, fluid and limitless continuum of flavors and experiences, just waiting to be explored. A world where failure and success are equally exciting. Of course, we try to only expose you to the actual successes...

We love hearing from you! Feel free to leave comments/questions on the blog, email us, or contact us on Twitter or Facebook. Don’t be a stranger!


Jenn Kendall 
Hi, I’m Jenn, and I spend my time thinking about food and dusting off my very rusty German language skills.  I am mom to a Max, a Molly, and two cats. I love the beach, chapstick, cats, politics, pockets, social justice, chocolate, crafts, and reading. And chapstick. Did I mention chapstick?

Seth Kendall 
The trusty sidekick. The web lackey. The wannabe photographer. The eager taster. The harsh critic. The brainstorm buddy. The grill master. The deep fryer. The all-too-common complainer. The editor. The distractor. These are all words you might use to describe me and my contributions to the Home Skillet Cooking Blog, my favorite blog! Most of my time is spent as a animation lead in the video game industry. When not working, I love eating food, playing with the Nuggets and cats, and maybe getting around to playing an actual video game.

Max Kendall 
a camera-stealing nugget