
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Very Vanilla Egg-Free Ice Cream

Sometimes you just want to sit down with a bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream.  Okay, maybe oftentimes.  And by you, I mean us.  After all, this takes like five minutes to throw together before being churned, so can you blame us?  And the only thing that is better than vanilla ice cream at times like this, is very vanilla ice cream.  We find that the taste of the vanilla really comes through clearly by using vanilla extract in a non custard-based ice cream.  In other words, no eggs.  Of course, it helps to have some good quality vanilla extract on hand.  You may find it helps to have an awesome aunt and uncle (hi uncle Steve, hi aunt Paula) who bring you big bottles of vanilla from Mexico when they come to visit!  (By the way, we are running a bit low, so maybe you want to bring us some more next time you come? Just kidding! Kind of.).  This particular mixture also does a great job of staying soft and scoopable in the freezer for many days after it’s made.  I couldn’t tell you the chemistry behind it, but I can say that after trying many different combinations, this is the one that really gets the job done nicely. 

2 cups whipping cream
1 cup whole milk
½ cup sugar
1 ½ tablespoons vanilla extract
Required equipment: Ice cream maker

Place all ingredients in a bowl.  I like to whisk until a layer of bubbles forms on the surface and the sugar is dissolved.  Pour the mixture into the canister of the ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer’s directions.


  1. This looks so good-rich and creamy and I love that there are no eggs. Beautiful photo.

  2. I like these ice creams better. My grandmother always made a custard kind and it wasn't until I was adult that having little bits of cooked eggs in it was not ideal! :)

  3. It is feeling like summer today...and a big bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream would be perfect!! Beautiful.

  4. Okay, that does it...I must get someone to get me an ice cream machine. This looks amazing! I love the soft, melty parts sinking to the bottom of the bowl.

  5. Who needs egg, this looks wonderfully fresh and creamy without it :D
    I love the texture, honestly, looks amazing!

    Choc Chip Uru

  6. As long as there is whipped cream in there, I do not miss the eggs! Classic flavor in a frozen treat-can't beat that for hitting the spot in the 85 degree heat here. Yum!

  7. oh wow looks so good my kiddies would love it esp the poor wee man who is teething

    1. Hey, we've got one of those! He liked it too, and with strawberries mixed in to boot.

  8. I've been dying to break out my ice-cream maker lately. I've not used it in a while. I am not a huge fan of the egg based ice creams, so this looks perfect! Love vanilla flavour especially with some fresh fruit on top!

  9. This looks so plain but this egg-free recipe is a cut above the rest. I love to try a new recipe, something unique and delicious as this. The ice cream maker is excited to try something like this too.

  10. SO TRUE! I love making ice cream but at the same time I hate it because with the eggs and the custard-making you always ahve to wait at least a day for it. Not anymore! This is the perfect egg-free option!

  11. We love ice-creams, who doesn't!! Your vanilla ice cream looks so good and even better without eggs! I've just made some eggless ice cream last week and it's all gone! Time to make another batch!

  12. I have to get an ice cream maker darnit. I saw what I think was a Cook's Illustrated hack where they just use big ziplocks bags of saltwater to substitute for the canister but I haven't had a chance to experiment. Great idea to ditch the eggs in other to let the vanilla come out more.

  13. Wow... I pinned this beauty. GREG

  14. I hate when the ice cream gets hard as a rock in the freezer. I like that this one stays scoop-able :-)

  15. I'm thinking a hot fudge sundae :)

  16. Must try this recipe! My favorite recipe starts off with a custard base, and I am always challenged to find something to do with the leftover egg whites. I'm thrilled that this one looks just as creamy as the custard version!

  17. Great one....without egg??? thats just the best:)

  18. This is a great recipe to knock up some ice cream when you've got no eggs!

  19. Oh my yum. I want an ice cream maker so bad bc YUM!

  20. Ooohh this sounds great, no eggs, whipped cream mmmm! As soon as I get my butt in gear to get an ice cream maker I'm making this immediately! Looks delicious!!

  21. Feels like the perfect day for some plain and indulgent ice cream. Love how easy this is :)

  22. It sounds so easy to make with an ice-cream maker. Alas, I don't have one. :( Can it be made the old fashioned way?

    1. hmm, i have no idea! i totally wish i knew though!

  23. I love vanilla ice cream, this one sounds easy to make and delicious!

  24. There's nothing better than a real vanilla ice cream! Just asking to be scooped! :)

  25. I love ice cream! I really need to use my ice cream maker more often. I'm feeling inspired!!

  26. Mmm, yum! Egg free means healthier, right? I'm going with that. Means I can eat one more scoop of this delicious lookin' ice cream.

    1. We wouldn't say it's so much a health thing as it is a time of preparation thing and a textural flavor thing. Custard ice creams (which use eggs) tend to be really creamy and rich, but they take a long time to make. Skipping the custard lets you make the ice cream in literally 10 minutes, and in this case it also brings out the vanilla flavor a lot clearer. Jenn has also stumbled onto a ratio that magically lets it stay as soft as custard ice cream in the freezer.

  27. Egg-free?!! I love it! Now if only I could have this for breakfast...

    Who am I kidding? I'm totally having this for breakfast once I make this!

  28. I love vanilla ice-cream any day!!Your recipe sounds great and easy!! A perfect treat for the coming months :)I seriously need to invest in an Ice-cream maker!!

  29. TOTALLY digging that this is egg free! :D

  30. I am so jealous. Homemade ice cream is the best. Egg free? Great idea!

  31. There is nothing better in life the homemade ice cream other then to make it egg free! So fabulous! Have a fantastic day!

  32. I WANT AN ICE CREAM MAKER! I want one SOOOO bad. I have been dropping hints like crazy (like saying "I NEED an ice cream maker), so hoping to get one for Mother's Day or Birthday in June. We'll see. If I get one, I'll head over here and make your ice cream. Yum!

  33. Its finally sunny and in the 70s today!! I NEED some of this ice-cream!! And I love that you made it 'very vanilla', I love a super vanilla flavor :) I seriously need to invest in an ice-cream maker asap!

  34. There aren't many flavors of ice cream that I don't like, but vanilla is always my favorite! Can I have a bowl of this for breakfast?

  35. I love, love, love simple and easy vanilla ice cream. There's so much you can do with it; plus, it's delicious all on its own!

  36. Uncle Steve and Aunt Paula are always welcome at my house too if they come baring big bottles of vanilla from Mexico! I've never tried an egg-free vanilla ice cream - I've always gone the custard route...

  37. yes....very sweet ice-kream recipe...I'll try it..and will put some lemon juice... :D

  38. i want to know how to convert this recipe to chocolate??

  39. Just found this, kind of disappointed of the people who commented seems no one has tried it.

    I did and this is very nice. I did mine with Madagascar Vanilla extract and came out quite good. Consistency is very good, not icy at all. Another benefit is that you can prepare it in 5 minutes and, if you have the icecream maker bowl already cold you can be eating ice cream in 1/2 hr (though it is always better to leave in the fridge for a couple of hours after churning). This one goes into my recipe book.
