
Monday, June 18, 2012

"Be Quiet" Baby Fudge

In the book One Hungry Monster, the protagonist is plagued by…well…hungry monsters.  To ward them off, he gives them 10 jars of peanut butter.  He gives it without jam, because he wants “every monster mouth shut tighter than a clam.”  We apply the same principle to our own little monster, Max.  These chewy energy bites are perfect for those super whiny times.  Like when you and your best friend from college live on opposite sides of the country and have been playing phone tag for months.  And just when you finally get a hold of each other, he starts getting upset for some ridiculously minor reason.  Bingo.  "Be quiet" baby fudge to the rescue.  It does double quiet duty actually – not only when he eats it, but also when he helps make it, carefully dumping each ingredient into the bowl with little toddler concentration-face… until he gets too grabby with the chocolate chips.

1 cup old fashioned whole wheat oatmeal
½ cup natural peanut butter
1/3 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ cup ground almonds
¼ cup ground flax seeds
½ cup chocolate chips
pinch salt
pinch ground cinnamon
pinch ground cardamom

Place all the ingredients into a large bowl.  Use your hands to mix everything all together.  Feel free to use a wooden spoon, but I think it gets mixed up better when done by hand.  I like to mush the “dough” into a square Tupperware container.  Refrigerate for at least an hour, then cut into square bites.  Store in the fridge.


  1. This looks SO good!

    I wonder if they work for older kids? (Our is 16...)

  2. lol! Oh, the magic of peanut butter, and sweet treats in general. These bars look fantastic!

  3. That looks and sounds delicious! My husband and son love peanut butter....I have to make that for them!

  4. I think I'm the total minority here who are not in love with peanut butter, but even for me these looks very enticing! Love to try one :)

  5. Oh wow, this look good! I'm not a fudge person, but then again this isn't like traditional fudge. Love it!

  6. Oh this would totally work on my husband ;) ok and maybe I'd steal a few too!

  7. These look so gorgeous, and have magical ppowers to the boot :D

    Choc Chip Uru

  8. I'll take your word for how this plays with kids, but I think I'd love it--and I'm not a huge fudge fan!

  9. Yummy!! I love anything with PB!! perfection!

  10. I love the idea of this healthier fudge...anything with sweetened pb and oatmeal sounds divine!!! And what a cute story book~

  11. Ah, I love all of the natural ingredients on here - I'd have to bookmark this recipe. Thanks for sharing.

  12. This could be called "be quiet anyone" fudge. It would shut me up! It looks addictive.

  13. I would be vewwy vewwy kwiet with a piece of this fudge. :)

  14. Ohhhhh how delicious! This is so easy to make, I should give this a try very soon!

  15. I sit for a little boy, and that's *totally* his favorite book. Unfortunately, he's allergic to all things nuts. *sad face*

  16. Very funny post! I could use these little beauties in a couple of occasions too!

  17. Oooh so delicious!!I love the cinnamon and cardamom in there too :)Lovely recipe Jenn!!I'll have to start making these for my 4 yr old too ;)

  18. These look like the perfect little treat -- yum!!

  19. I love this! Healthy ingredients but yummy (and quiet) result. Awesome.

  20. This work for husbands too?! I'm sure it does =)

  21. I LOVE the cardamom in this!! and I can appreciate the addition of flax =D

  22. Sounds so yummy! Good to see the healthy ingredients

  23. wouldn't ;last long in my house.

  24. Love! That sounds like a scene right out of my kitchen (including that hungry monster book which we have and have read 1000x). Making these with my son this week. Just for the sake of "preparedness" if you know what I'm sayin. ;)

  25. This really sounds delicious. It is about as healthy as fudge can be and that cardamom really sets it apart from others that I've seen. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  26. I was laughing reading your post :-)

  27. Haha I LOVE the backstory of this fudge. I should bring it home to my mom and then as soon as she starts asking me when I'm going to have babies, I'll just shove a piece in her mouth.

  28. These fudge bars look fabulous. Who would have time to blahblah when they were presented with those delicious fudge bars!

  29. lol i shud try this out on my toddler as well. What an idea...loving your fudge:)

  30. Sounds great and I love the spices you used!

  31. LOL! Those look amazing and ever so sinful.



  32. Anything with peanut butter and oats is a hit. Add the chocolate.... Yum!

  33. love this and can so relate having wee ones talking on the phone can be so hard

  34. This looks and sounds great - I'm glad Max likes them too!

  35. Yum!! I make something very similar (with quinoa too!) and roll it into little bite sized balls. Good to know that your little one likes this as much as I do!

  36. What a great idea! I can't wait till my daughter is old enough to do this with (well, that statement is kind of bitter sweet - I still want her to be little!)!

  37. Dear Jenn, these look like delightful little treats!! I love simple ideas like this...and its perfect for when the weather is too warm for the oven! Blessings to you, Catherine xo

  38. Definitely have to try this! I love your blog, so I nominated you for an award! See my post for details:

  39. Love it Jenn, you're in my top 5.... hope there's lots of fudge being made this weekend :)

  40. Oh, Yum ... I could eat these, right now!

  41. Aw!! I can totally mentally picture the little guy making these. And...I would like to eat some myself. Because I have the palate of a toddler :P

  42. I would keep real quiet if I had a plateful...

    This recipe sounds really nutritious with the peanut butter, flax seeds and the oatmeal... Now I'm tempted to throw a mini tantrum so you send some my way ;-)

  43. SO I don't have kids yet, but I'm bookmarking this to use on my husband :P Looks delish!

  44. Has anyone tried freezing these?
