
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Chocolate and Olive Oil Crostini

A setting or rising sun is one of those sights that we, as a species, love to behold.  So colorful and and epic and majestic, it inspires a sense of wonder and awe.  Unless you are a certain two year old.  The sun is totally old news, apparently, for him.  A sunset, though, is exciting for one and only one reason - it is a harbinger of the moon!  Our little guy is quite taken with the moon, and has a deep love for just sitting outside and gazing up excitedly at it.  Moon watching, actually, can begin as early as 3 or 4 pm. That's when we start to think the moon is out.  So we have to go outside and check if it can be seen.  As expected, it usually is not visible at that time.  So we keep checking again and again and again.  And eventually, that wonderful moon of ours does indeed make an appearance (though I'm not sure how he will take the news that the moon goes through a "new moon" phase).  And when that happens, he scoots some chairs out to the deck and demands a moon watching companion. If Max was running the show, one would do nothing but moon watch from 4 pm until bedtime.  But, as you can imagine, that leaves no time to do things like, I don't know, make dinner.  So compromises are made.  Full on moon watching begins after dinner once the dishes have been cleaned up.  We go to the deck, bundle up, sit on on the chairs that Max so helpfully brought outside, and eat a snack while gazing up at the moon. These crostini with a chocolate and olive oil drizzle, mint leaves, coconut flakes, and vanilla salt make for a fun moon watching snack.  Packed onto a tray and taken outside, it is a delicious companion to celestial observations. And of course, it can be eaten indoors as well.

3.5 ounces good quality chocolate ( I used a Lindt 70% cacao bar)
1/4  cup plus 1 tablespoon olive oil, divided
1 baguette, sliced
vanilla salt
white pepper
1/3 cup chopped mint leaves
1/3 cup coconut flakes

Heat oven to 375.  Place the baguette slices on a baking sheet (I used a Silpat to line mine).  Pour 1/4 cup olive oil in a bowl, and brush the oil on each slice.  Sprinkle a bit of vanilla salt and pepper on each.  Bake for 8-10 minutes or until golden-brown.

Place the chocolate bar (chopped) and 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a small microwaveable bowl. Carefully melt the chocolate and olive oil together (about 30 seconds).  Stir the mixture.

Have fun with these - drizzle the chocolate and olive oil on the crostini, or use it as a dip.  Sprinkle more vanilla salt on top, if desired. Or throw on some mint leaves and/or coconut flakes.  Whatever floats your boat!


  1. Ooh, chocolate and olive oil. Sounds delicious!

  2. WOW! This is really something else. What an awesome combination of flavors.

  3. Everyone should be a moon watcher and a star-gazer...the world would be a much happier place. :)

    These chocolate and olive oil crostini's would help too! :D

  4. Wow, what a combination!! This looks fantastic!

  5. These are awesome--a great combo of sweet and savory. And I love the story about where you went to eat them.

  6. Aw, Max sounds like a sweet, inquisitive child! I'd love to moon watch with you all and snack on these delicious, sweet crostini!

  7. Very intriguing! I've never had a sweet crostini before, but this looks quite wonderful! Love the vanilla salt, too. Perfect for moon watching!

  8. I LOVE this little ritual- your little guy sounds so sweet! Moon watching and star gazing are the best pastimes indeed.

    Chocolate, mint and coconut sound absolutely amazing together, and look so pretty! I need me some sweet crostini.

  9. Love the idea of chocolate crostini!Never tried it before,but sounds really good and with the mint and coconut :)

  10. Love this - looks so tasty. What a great idea! :)

  11. This is oh so gourmet sounding and it looks and sounds so amazing I have a feeling I won't be able to get it out of my head. CHOCOLATE AND OLIVE OIL!? VANILLA SALT? MINT AND COCONUT!? Gahhhh it sounds so weird and soooo goooood

  12. people always looked at me like I was crazy for loving chocolate ice cream drizzled over with evoo...I could really sink my teeth into these too!

  13. I always love your unusual mix of ingredients that seem weird until I actually see you put them together and then it's a total "duh" moment. And I'm with Max on the moon watching - forget a sunrise or sunset, I'm all for night time sky gazing.

  14. oh yum! What a great recipe! Max sounds so adorable looking up at the moon. How freakin' cute!!

  15. Aww what a cutie! I love these crostini...they do sound like the perfect moon-watching snack.

  16. Wow! This sounds very interesting and delicious!I would love to try it!

  17. So would you serve this as a dessert or as an appetizer?

    1. hmm, probably lean toward a dessert, but i think it would be fun as an appetizer as well :)

  18. Moon watching sounds so relaxing; I think Max is onto something. I wouldn't mind watching the bright orb while chowing down on a few of these delicious beauties.

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  20. Congratulations Jenn Kendall! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.

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