
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Almost Instant Banana, Chocolate, and Peanut Butter "Pudding"

Ugh, I hate those recipes that pretend to be one thing but in reality are nothing like it.  I'm looking at you pureed cauliflower masquerading as fettucine alfredo.

Afterwards, you are all sad and regretful because you ate something that was not delicious.  Unless you are like Anton Ego, living the philosophy of  "If I don't love it, I don't swallow."  In which case you are still hungry.

It occurs to you that you should have just made the real thing - with you know, cream and butter and cheese - then maybe just stuff a handful of spinach in your face and be done with it.

It is hard for me to tell if I am breaking my own rule.  Maybe this really is nothing like pudding.  But calling it a "pudding-like substance" doesn't exactly flow.  And maybe I hate myself a bit for even posting this.

But even if this is not pudding, but technically a "pudding-like substance," I did at least convince the toddler that this was a dessert - something to demand, to crave.  He can be a tough crowd, a pint-sized but nonetheless fervent subscriber to Anton Ego's food philosophy .  Case in point - never serve this child homemade biscuits that are not fresh from the oven - lest one offend his his delicate sensibilities.

1 frozen banana
1 banana
1 1/2 tablespoons dark cocoa powder
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
pinch freshly grated nutmeg
pinch of cinnamon (roasted Saigon cinnamon works really well)
pinch sea salt

Put everything into a bowl and blend with an immersion blender.  Alternatively, put everything in a blender to blend.  That's it!


  1. I'm with you - but I still think this kind of pseudo-dessert is well worth posting. If you can trick a clever toddler, who knows who I might fool in my family?

  2. LOL I was actually totally thinking about making one of those cauliflower alfredos...but maybe now I won't...and I'll make this pudding instead! there's certainly room for it in my life!

  3. If it moves like pudding, I say it's pudding. ;)
    This looks fantastic! Much healthier than eating peanut butter straight from the jar (you don't want to know how often I partake in that indulgence).

  4. Oh my God I always feel like that about the cauliflower sauce too! Blechy. This totally counts as pudding, plus I'm like 99.9% sure it's delicious sooo yeah

  5. I would say the rule doesn't apply if the result is astounding in its own right, right? PB & Choc pudding sounds great- delicious health-ified pudding makes me totally crave it... I need to get on that.

  6. Your wee one is already a cute. And this sure looks like pudding to me!! YUM!

  7. I love all the fun desserts you can make with frozen bananas!

  8. Children are tough judges I know from my own! But this pudding I am sure would please him a lot!

  9. Looks like pudding, the toddler thinks it's pudding, I say it is pudding. And I'll take a bowl, thanks. You put all my favorites in!

  10. Loving your pudding-like substance :-)

  11. Yes I know what you mean about being hungry when you've eaten something you don't like as much. Loving your little pudding though!

  12. Haha! I agree! I think fettuccine alfredo should have pasta and cream. But I think this "almost pudding" is perfect. I would easily enjoy a bowlful...and then another!

  13. It's a pudding in a second :)

    Choc Chip Uru

  14. Love this guys, peanut butter and anything is usually good in my mind but with chocolate? OTT! In a good way!

  15. Mmmmm. This looks good enough to devour!

  16. Love the idea of incorporating a frozen banana!

  17. I like the condor here, and I agree, I'd much rather have a small portion of something delicious than a large portion of something pretending to be delicious. This - on the other hand is delicious on its own, no need to pretend. I love it! Simple and perfectly sweet without any regrets. Great job!

  18. This pudding looks delicious Jenn! My kids would really enjoy it :)

  19. Hello! I stumbled upon your blog as I was exploring some of the blogs my own blog's readers follow, and I just loved this post. Bananas are just about my favorite ingredient, especially for healthy "indulgent" recipes like this one. I think my readers would really love the recipe, too! I'd like to invite you to participate in my blog's link-up party to celebrate the end of National Nutrition Month - feel free to check it out and share one of the delicious, healthy recipes you've been enjoying this past month!

  20. Lol, I would gladly serve something like this and my husband would probably be singing it's praises. I love how frozen bananas make everything creamy delicious, plus that hint of cinnamon is a definite upgrade.

  21. Just letting you know that someone violated your copyright and posted this photo and recipe to facebook (downloaded your photo, uploaded it to facebook complete with your recipe word for word). She did this to one of my posts and it went viral without me getting any credit or link backs.

  22. This recipe proves there are so many creative ways to make banana pudding.

