
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Veggie and Herb Cream Cheese on Everything Bagel, Topped with Smoked Salmon, Radish, and Chives

It is said that Albert Einstein defined insanity as, "doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results."

I am, perhaps, insane.  Every spring, once I spot a container of potted herbs being sold at the farmers' market, I snatch one up.  How can I resist? So vibrant and lush, brimming with parsley and basil and thyme and rosemary and sage and cilantro and chives, one cannot help but be reeled in by their scent, their color, and the promise of delicious food to come.

Then I prance back home with my container.  Visions of herbs flavoring breakfasts, lunches, and dinners dance in my head.

And then each herb withers away.  I think I somehow manage to over-water and under-water all at once.  Usually cilantro goes first.  Or parsley.  Then the chives.  And then the rest follow suit, each meeting their own demise.  All except the thyme.  That, apparently, likes me.  Its affections are not unappreciated.

So there they are - my dreams of plucking fresh herbs right from the container on the deck lying shattered on the ground, replaced by the reality of having to purchase them from a store instead.

This plays out every year. It won't be too long until that container is spotted once again at the farmers' market.  And I of course will try, try again.  The chives and basil came from a store this time.  However, I remain optimistic that the future will be sprinkled with my own fresh herbs.  Perhaps this optimism is indeed insanity.  It is all so subjective.

1 block cold cream cheese
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
1/4 cup chopped chives
1/2 cup chopped basil leaves
2 scallions, chopped
1-2 tablespoons minced jalapeno
3 stalks celery, minced
1 cup baby spinach
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest
2 teaspoons lemon juice

everything bagel, toasted
smoked salmon
radishes, sliced
handful chopped chives

Beat the cream cheese and butter in a stand mixer.  Then toss in the herbs, scallions, jalapeno, celery, spinach, lemon juice and zest.  Beat again until everything is incorporated.  Spread on toasted everything bagel.  Top with pieces of smoked salmon, radish slices, and more chives.


  1. I can smell the SPRING! So fresh and delicious!

  2. I'm quite mad too, it's okay though, the best people are. ;)I love that thyme loves you, it's one of my favourite herbs (after rosemary!). I'll have bagels with lox, please!

  3. I love cheesy spinach dip so I think I'm going to really enjoy this! LOL, that crazy good optimism should live on! I can never seem to keep my herb pots alive long enough to actually pluck any either. I feel like I have some sort of malign influence on all plants I own (er, okay, I'm usually given them, I don't buy them, for fear of killing them), from poinsettias to pansies. :)

  4. I have exactly the same problem with all of my herbs. I buy them in pots, always with the idea to foster, but in the end have to speed up their usage, not to throw anything away.

  5. Love this idea as a way to vary up my lunch!

  6. You are so funny! Are you planting your herbs outside?

  7. I had pretty good luck with chives and basil when I grew my own herbs. Cilantro was TOTALLY a lost cause.

    that fresh flavored cream cheese sounds fabulous! Love this sandwich.

  8. Yes! So tasty. I have this incredible weakness for everything bagels + lox. Wow I want this so badly.

  9. Oh, gosh, I'm now craving a bagel...and it must have lox and your fabulous cream cheese!!!

  10. Herbs + lox + Bagel = party in my tummy.

  11. Now I know what I want for lunch! This looks so delicious, and I can't wait to try making me own bagel schmear. And of course, the smoked salmon puts it over the edge. Thank you for sharing!

  12. With an egg on top, this would make such a great breakfast!

  13. I think you just put everything I love on a plate, all at once, the Herb Cream Cheese, Bagel, Smoked Salmon--yes please, Radish--oh my, and Chives! Yum.

    I have the same issue with my herb plants. They never last more than a season at my place. And I still get them and bring them home every time I go shop. I can't help it. And I notice some of them love water more than the other...but I'm still finding a way to get them stay vibrant, and alive! hahaha....Wish both of us more fresh hearb lucks!


  14. Hi! I’m new follower of your blog and would like to invite you to join me at my weekly Clever Chicks Blog Hop:

    I hope you can make it!


    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  15. I wish I had one such thing here at the office! I would devour it!

  16. I live this same scenario every year, only with tomato plants. I can't grow tomatoes to save my life! But, I love everything bagels and smoked salmon. This looks fabulous!

  17. Yup, that's me! I have good intentions. This is one rockin' bagel!

  18. Ooh love the flavor combination here!I love smoked Salmon and bet they taste amazing on these bagels!!

  19. Hmm...all of a sudden I have an overwhelming craving for a good, loaded bagel. Wonder why... ;)

  20. Jenn, looks a real winner. Thanks for joining the breakfast fun over at Carole's Chatter. Cheers
