
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Grilled Corn with Gorgonzola, Apple, Chive Spread

9 years ago, Seth gave me a stuffed unicorn.  So soft and perfectly sized for hugging, it became necessary for sleeping.  Yes, I am aware that it is ridiculous to need a stuffed animal to sleep when you are approaching 30.

Max recently became attached to this unicorn.  And put his own spin on it, placing a sock on one and only one hoof.  It can now be found sporting an old tee-shirt of his - one featuring the solar system and a rocket ship - as well as a diaper.  You know, in case the unicorn has to go.

I guess I have to accept that it has become his.  Though now I am left without my own sleeping buddy (Seth - umm help please?).  And my sleep has been suffering as a result.

Instead of a unicorn, I can drown my sorrows in some corn on the cob.  Max's word for unicorn and corn are one and the same.  Both are referred to as "na."  And he apparently won't touch this "na."  So this is my "na."  And the unicorn is his.  If only the corn could be used as my stuffed animal.  Then everyone would be happy.

4-8 ears of corn

For the spread:
1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons sour cream
1 tablespoon grated Granny Smith apple
1/4 cup Gorgonzola cheese
1 teaspoon ground toasted hazelnuts
1 teaspoon lemon juice
lots of fresh snipped chives - for both the spread and for sprinkling on the corn

Grill corn using favorite method.  For this batch, we brushed olive oil over the corn, wrapped it in its own husk, and placed on the grill.  Once the corn was mostly cooked (Popping a kernel produces juices), we unwrapped it and placed directly on grates to get a little char.  In the past, we've grilled the corn directly on the grates exclusively (medium to medium high heat).

In a small bowl, stir together the mayonnaise, sour cream, grated apple, Gorgonzola, ground hazelnuts, and lemon juice.  Refrigerate until serving.  Before using, stir in a liberal amount of snipped chives and use remaining as garnish.


  1. Absolutely love the gorgonzola dip, mayo & sour cream -yum! And how old is the cutie pie?

  2. There's no shame in stuffed animals (I still sleep with one or two...they even came with me to college!). I'm sure you will get your unicorn back someday, and it'll be even more special. :)

    As for this grilled corn, I must have it!! I love gorgonzola!! ♥

  3. Aw man...your kid taking your stuffed animal...thats rough.

    Corn is good though, yes yes yes

  4. Grilled is the only way to go with corn. And that spread sounds amazing!

  5. Corn tastes so delicious right now! This sounds amazing!

  6. I'm glad you found a replacement stuffed animal sleeping buddy in this corn!! This looks amazing and I never even thought to put anything but butter on corn on the cob...was I living under a rock all this time?! :)

  7. I love this idea, great for a BBQ!

  8. Awww. You need a new unicorn, but this will definitely take the edge off. Looks wonderful!

  9. Such a delicious post! I love corn on cob. But i have always had it with a dash of lemon juice paired with dry mango powder & red chili powder. I am excited to try this version.

  10. So this looks incredible! I love corn on the cob slathered with yummies - that spread sounds fab.

  11. Grilled corn with awesome sauce for a lovable stuffed unicorn?....almost a fair trade ;) corn is a staple around our house, this is such a great way to change it up every now and then!

  12. You just made corn the most delicious food on the menu :)

    Choc Chip Uru

  13. The.Boy gave me a stuffed koala when we first started dating (called, quite creatively, Mr. Koala) and I'm not sure what I'll do when a future child thinks it's his/her right to sleep with it!

    That dip for the corn. YES.

  14. At least you have the corn all to yourself. I think Seth needs to invest in a new stuffed horse; although that may just be futile. Max may just end up with two horses. This corn on the cob sounds so good. I can't wait to give it a whirl!

  15. Jenn, you always manage to surprise me with creative ,new recipes.
    This one looks delicious, a wonderful summer treat.
